VI International Congress Euro Latam Lex

VI International Congress Euro Latam Lex

The 5th International Euro Latam Lex Congress in Madrid, on 5th and 6th July 2021

The 5th International Euro Latam Lex Congress in Madrid, on 5th and 6th July 2021

The VI International Congress of Euro Latam Lex video.
The International Network of Prestigious Law Firms.

Since the advent, in 2008, of BitCoin—a completely peer-to-peer cash system free of third-party involvement—the interest in “blockchain” technology has increased. Blockchain protocol offers an alternative to the need for trusted third parties to prevent property fraud. However, it also requires the application of law other than property law to police blockchain activity. More particularly, contract and tort law are more applicable than property law to properly adjudicate blockchain property transactions.


The Meeting of the Founding Members of EURO LATAM LEX was held at the offices of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo on June 10 2016 in Madrid, Jorge Juan 30, 28001, Spain.

Javier Cremades

President of EURO LATAM LEX

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